Presentations in three international conferences

This year we have presented our research in three international conferences:

  • ASME International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA 2020): “Material Model Calibration by Deep Learning for Additively Manufactured Alloys”
  • ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2020): “Quantification of Uncertainties Distributed in Network-like Systems”
  • Society of Engineering Science 2020 (SES 2020): “Predicting Mechanical Behaviors of a Highly Orthotropic Polypropylene Battery Separator Film by Microstructure Modeling”


Zihan Wang receives 2020 General Electric (GE) Fellowship

Ms. Zihan Wang received the 2020 General Electric (GE) Graduate Fellowship for Innovation! Congratulations!

The purpose of the GE fellowship program at UConn’s School of Engineering is to (i) promote high quality research of interest to GE; (ii) to recognize graduate students for achievement; and (iii) to provide PhD students with opportunities for professional development and enrichment. GE Fellows were selected following on a two-stage process consisting of a written application and then an interview.