
Dr. Xu is recruiting Ph.D. students who will work on one of the following research areas:

  • Stochastic modeling and deep learning-based design of microstructural materials: develop advanced techniques including statistical characterization and reconstruction, manufacturing process simulation, microstructure property simulation, and machine learning to provide scientific insights into the process-microstructure-property relationship, in support of material design. The applications include energy storage materials and biomaterials.
  • Design optimization, machine learning, and uncertainty quantification for structural metamaterials: develop machine learning-driven design methodologies to design structural metamaterials. Design for Additive Manufacturing is also within our research scope.

The prospective student will primarily focus on computational research, but may also be involved in design prototyping and experimental testing.

If interested, please send your CV to hongyi.3.xu@uconn.edu. Please also submit all required documents in the application system of the Graduate School.


  • B.S. or M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Computer Science, or a closely related field.
  • No unexplained gaps in the CV
  • Programming skills in Python and MATLAB.
  • Experience in conducting Finite Element Analysis.
  • Knowledge of statistical analysis, data mining, and machine learning is preferred.
  • Self-motivated, strong interests in coding and quantitative methods.

Dr. Xu’s group also provides research opportunities for undergraduate and master students. If you are interested in programming and simulation, please contact Dr. Xu for more details.

Prerequisites for undergraduate researcher:

  • Coursework on partial differential equations and linear algebra.
  • Experiences in Python or MATLAB programming.
  • Coursework on statistics is a plus.