Invited seminar by GE Research

Zihan Wang delivered an invited seminar to GE research on Sept 28. The topic is Quantification of Aleatoric Uncertainties in Topological Structures, and Physics-informed Machine Learning Model for Phononic Property Prediction.

Zihan Wang receives the ASME BPart Fellowship

Zihan Wang received the Broadening Participation (BPart) Fellowship from the ASME Design Engineering Division (DED). This fellowship includes a travel scholarship, the opportunity of presenting a research proposal with the Design Theory and Methodology Technical Committee, being guest of honors at an exclusive reception for BPart fellows, and receiving on-going mentorship from the DED community.

Kick off several new projects

In this year we have kicked off and will kick off several new projects, including

  • 3D metamaterial design for additive manufacturing (SHAP3D)
  • Battery electrode manufacturing (NIUVT)
  • Virtual investigation of structures (UConn CARIC)
  • Digital Twin Technologies (DoED GAANN)

Dr. Xu’s group is also recruiting a domestic PhD student as the GAANN fellow. If you are interested, please send your resume to